Monarch Poetry Fair, 10/13

By November 16, 2015 Poetic Youth Blog No Comments

Poetic Youth returned to Monarch School on October 13th for an after-school poetry workshop extravaganza. We were joined by young poets in grades 3-8 for an afternoon of metaphor-making and haiku inspiration, from sunflowers to rocket ships and all of the lemonade butterflies in between.

Students created beautiful Ars Poetica collages to answer that age-old question, “What is a poem?” Here’s what the young masters of metaphor had to say:

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“A poem should be a lemonade butterfly”

"a rose as powerful as the missiles"

“a rose as powerful as the missiles”

"a nice fresh cold coffee caramel buzz ice-cream band"

“a nice fresh cold coffee caramel buzz ice-cream band”

"a jet fully loaded"

“a jet fully loaded”

"a poem should be a fish and a poem should be a car going fast"

“a poem should be a fish and a poem should be a car going fast”

With those mysteries solved, the young poets ventured out to Monarch’s peaceful school garden to write nature-inspired haiku poems. Students explored the garden and chose three different objects to write about. We touched curly kale leaves, watched a line of ants march by, and got nose-to-nose with giant sunflowers…all in search of the perfect syllable.

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Thank you to all of the amazing young poets at Monarch for sharing so much creativity and inspiration!


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